Sup... here to ruin your day with a hot naked chic damsel in distress in your mail box.
This is Raven. She's a cute 21 year old from Virginia. The ropes look cute on her meat bag.
We are recently screened The Love Witch. The cray cray goth chick flick kept us hard everytime she opened her dumb mouth. Seriously a plot twist at every turn. Roll your blunt before sitting down to watch. Pairs well with lazy blowjobs.

Laying down the new studio for Spring/Summer projects. New mobile bondage stage. New Backdrops and hard points for suspending our victims.

BDSM | Domestication-Education

Hot bunny tradwives only.
Share your domestic skills and your tits with your adoring fans.
Those baseboards ain't gonna clean themselves.
And we are always available for when you need a spanking or to be told twice.

Think you got the minerals?
Get on our model list for Spring/Summer productions. $$$ + Good Eats + fun and games. Hot chics only. Hope you like ropes and taking a hit.. 'cause we do.