Bellamy’s Clutch wishes to shoot scenes, models, and dynamics which are obtainable for the common lay people. We shoot REAL people.
We wish to diverge from the high production, glossy, made up look of BDSM. No we do not have a helicopter.. No we do not have a million dollar penthouse with an equally expensive playroom.
We are bdsm for the plebians, not the upper crust of the bourgeois…

Because the vast majority of BDSM does not happen in an expensive Penthouse. It happens in a garage. A cheap hotel room. Your backyard. Or Bedroom after the children from your two different irrespective marriages have gone to sleep. Real life BDSM which is attainable for everyone is what we wish to show to the world.
Capturing real people means showing who they are at the moment.. Their backgrounds, who and how they identify as a person, their sense of style - unadulterated. Show us YOU.
Come as you are, as you were As I want you to be
As a friend, as a friend
As a known enemy
Take your time, hurry up
The choice is yours, don't be late
-Kurt Cobain, Nirvana, 1991