Did you know the now well known “Magic Wand“ has been around since the 60s. Changing The name and regrouping after it gained popularity as a sex toy for personal and medical research. The vibrator has been the center of many sexual arousal studies. It works for me just fine.
Often called the Cadillac of vibrators. The magic wand almost was lost when the Japanese company ceased production. The adult industry was in panic but luckily they came to an agreement. Thus for 50 great, mind blowing years! The sex toy has been a milestone in the history of sexual revolution
Besides Hitachi, however, the name most commonly associated with the Magic Wand is Dr. Betty Dodson. Who popularized the personalized messager as a sex toy. Dodson became a prominent sex educator in the 1970s, teaching women how to reach an orgasm through masturbation with her Bodysex workshops in New York City.
The wand is known to be a symbol for sex positive feminist around the world. . It's made of hard plastic, has two speeds -- high (6,000 vibrations per minute) and low (5,000 vibrations per minute) -- and connects to a power outlet via a 6-foot cord. Not what you expect from a sex toy. Even still it outsells it’s competitors. The magic wand can be good and bad though. Having all that power, orgasms at your finger tips. Some say they are even addicted. So be careful and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO The best magic wand ever.