-Oct 5, 2019How often do people take part in bdsm on average?I have been trying to answer this question for a while now. I think it depends on so many things like how often you see your partner....
-Sep 18, 2019Why I enjoy pain and need it.The sting of a paddle, his hand slapping across my face, the stripes from a cane--all of those things bring me serenity. Yes, it feels...
-Sep 14, 2019BDSM A-ZThe ones in Yellow are things I have or would try! Knowing is half the battle. 1 1950's Household,224/7,A Abduction Play, Abrasion Play,...
-Sep 6, 2019Local Poly Leader hates Leon. Thinks Hacienda and Curious Fox sucks balls. Makes up her own phrase.